Is Advertising the Next Level for VR Fitness?

Your next VR workout could include an advertisement without you even realizing it!


VR fitness has a lot of benefits—convenience, privacy, customization (without the customization price tag), and probably a few I’m forgetting. Its part of an industry that is worth over $24.2 billion, so it’s clear that people want fitness in any and all forms. Those projections are from 2014 and so they don’t include the infusion of VR fitness, which is bound to create a new industry of its own.

One of the new ways this industry is going to gain revenue is the infusion of virtual reality dynamic advertising. Virtual Reality is becoming a great opportunity for brands to advertise to their target market, and the fitness industry is no different.

Just as email, Google, and Facebook all became ad platforms once brands figured out how to utilize them, virtual reality will follow that same pattern. The unique selling point is the immersive aspect that isn’t present on any other ad platform. In fact, brands can advertise with realistic 3D product placements that mimic seeing the product in normal life. Companies can bring the product to reach their market segmentation in a cost-effective way. Cheaper for the advertiser and more engaging for the consumer. Sounds like a win win.

While VR ads apply to every industry, it is especially relevant to the fitness industry because the view of a workout app is one of the most prime advertisement spots because the user is focusing on their body but not doing anything visually stimulating. TVs are so commonly fixed to exercise equipment because of the need to visual stimulation while working out. In the case of Virtual Reality Gyms and fitness aps, rather than starring at a blank gym wall or gym graphics, advertisements can be playing in the view to create a more entertaining experience.

Currently, if a client is working out in a gym the advertisements are shown on a TV, but the gym isn’t making money from the interaction. In fact, the gym is paying for the equipment to show the entertainment. With VR fitness advertising the virtual gym makes the ad revenue. That allows the VR gym to be a free download and make workouts more accessible for consumers.

The dynamic aspect allows the ads to be rotated and customized for each user and based on location. That means that small local brands such as a gym or health food store can advertise to users in their geographical region. As well as the big national brands like Nike who would traditionally advertise on TV platforms.

The opportunities for brands to become a part of VR fitness is great for users as well. The environment becomes more realistic due to the sponsored content. The content can be cheaper or even free for the consumer. With VR there are endless opportunities and with the infusion of dynamic advertising with a company like Get Virtual VR Fitness can explore these opportunities.

The VR aspect allows the advertisements to be interactive which can offer incentives based on your workout. For example, if the user does 20 squats they get a discount on the newest Nike shoes. Gamifying a workout experience has always been the missing link between fitness and fun and virtual reality tech could just be the bridge to bring the two together.

Think of the possibilities! You could simply workout harder for an incentive, but you could also be so immersed in a game that you feel like your life or well being is on the line to win the mission or experience! If that doesn’t make you think less about the workout, the sets, the reps and the time on the elliptical, nothing else will! And if you’re not thinking of those things, you’re not thinking about effort and if you’re not thinking about effort, you’re not working out anymore Instead, you’re enjoying a truly fit experience that will get so much more out of your mind and body than any typical gym session ever could!