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Get the latest information on hardware in the industry with reviews in the context of fitness applications and usability. In addition, this section is used to discuss upcoming technologies that aren’t out yet but have direct impact on fitness VR.

Immersive VR Hand Interaction Could Soon be Reality

Virtual reality headsets, including the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive are able to deliver extremely immersive virtual reality experiences. People can enjoy a virtual world, due to the visual and head tracking capabilities...

Is the MSI VR One Backpack PC Good Enough for Fitness?

It has become very obvious that computer hardware manufacturing companies, including MSI and HP, are enthusiastic about the future of virtual reality. Most notably, these companies are aimed at delivering a VR backpack computer...

Our Wish List For The Perfect VR Fitness HMD

This website reviews many games and experiences with the current Virtual Reality environment as it is. However, as you can see, many of the games and experiences haven't quite made that perfect score. This...

Sony’s PlayStation VR Pre-Orders Largest in GameStop History

According to the executives from GameStop, their PlayStation VR pre-order was the quickest sellout in the company’s history where the company’s PlayStation VR pre-order went out of stock within 5 minutes. Even at Amazon,...
Omimo Uranus One: The Best VR Headset You May Never Use

Omimo Uranus One: The Best VR Headset You May Never Use

When it comes to working out, there is nothing more discouraging than seeing no progress being made. Seeing the same walls of the gym and hearing the same motivational songs that have all but...

New Lighter and Thinner HTC Vive 3-in-1 Cable

https://youtu.be/dgErwyufqmY Let’s face it: A VR headset is not just a piece of equipment that you wear on your head like a pair of headphones. A quality HMD is a fully equipped gateway to another...

Exoskeleton VR Gloves: What VR Didn’t Know it Needed!

There are a lot of fitness VR apps available like BitGym and Runtastic that are doing a great job in providing people with a new way to get a light workout. Even though these...