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HomeVR EsportsEventsEcho Combat Flamingo League Announces Partnership with VAL and VRFI

Echo Combat Flamingo League Announces Partnership with VAL and VRFI

The Echo Combat Flamingo League announced today a partnership with the Virtual Athletics League (VAL) and VR Fitness Insider that will include participation in the upcoming VR Fitness Summit as well as sponsorship for Echo Combat Flamingo League Season 2 that will include a cash prize pool.

Ready At Dawn’s Echo Combat is a team-based shooter based in zero-gravity. The game is part of the Echo VR universe that includes the popular sport game Echo Arena and recently the playerbase received a huge boost when Echo Arena was released in beta on the Oculus Quest.

Echo Combat Flamingo League players are dedicated community members who strive to provide a positive experience for the existing playerbase while simultaneously endeavoring to make new players feel welcome and encouraging their participation. During the VR Fitness Summit, the ECFL will offer a bootcamp for training as well as a show match to highlight two of the league’s top teams.

As with most VR esports, the combination of technology and physicality takes gaming to a new level because players don’t sit still while playing competitive VR. Games such as Echo Combat require a ton of physical movement, which is great for improved health and wellness.

“The ECFL has been some of our players’ primary source of exercise during quarantine so it’s the perfect opportunity to shine a light on the physicality of Echo Combat” states Jonah Lesnick, aka “SuperDope,” co-founder of the league.

This sentiment is echoed by many throughout the VR ecosystem and VR Fitness Insider (VRFI) is pleased to be a part of this revolution. Regardless of which game someone is playing, people continue to discover the benefits of VR fitness.

“Flamingo League is proud to represent Echo Combat in the VR Fitness Summit to help raise awareness of the benefits of VR for both physical and mental wellness,” stated Thomas Grass, aka “codasleuth,” also a league co-founder. “Echo Combat challenges both your body and your mind while also encouraging teamwork and creating meaningful friendships with fellow players both in and out of the game.”

Exhibition Match

You have an opportunity to watch Echo Combat gameplay with the highest level of coordination and teamwork on September 12 at 1 pm PT / 4:00 pm EDT during an exhibition match between VRespawn and 4 for $4. The match will be streamed live on the league’s Twitch channel.

Echo Combat Flamingo League Twitch


Prior to the exhibition match at noon PT / 3:00 pm EDT, veteran Combat players will kick things off with a bootcamp where rookies can learn the basics of the game. The Echo VR community has a long history of offering training for new players and this sort of positive teambuilding has helped the playerbase thrive.

If you’d like to participate in the bootcamp, you can sign up at the VR Fitness Summit website.

Sign up for the Echo Combat boot camp.

Echo Combat Flamingo League Season 2

While the VR Fitness Summit will be a fantastic opportunity to show off the game and discuss the health benefits of playing competitive VR with new players, there’s also an opportunity for VR esports enthusiasts to become involved with the blossoming league that will be partnering with VAL and VRFI for season two!

“The Virtual Athletics League is proud to partner with the Echo Combat Flamingo League to amplify their abilities to provide their players with the best possible experience,” says Kameron Mikesell Marketing Manager at the Virtual Athletics League.

“We have always prided ourselves on our ability to find, facilitate, and nurture the best competitors in VR esports. In working with the ECFL, we have seen a level of dedication and devotion to a title that is almost unparalleled in VR esports. This dedication is one of the main reasons we are so excited to partner with the ECFL. They bring the same level of joy and excitement to even the most mundane matches as they do to their grand finals. We at VAL find this showmanship and enthusiasm contagious and are excited to be a part of the ECFL season 2.”

VR Fitness Insider is sponsoring a cash prize towards the Virtual Athletics League and Echo Combat Flamingo League partnership for Season 2. Additional sponsorships could be announced at a later date so be sure to follow VRFI for the latest updates.

Click on the image for video from the Echo Combat Flamingo League Season 1 finals.

Join the Community

Echo VR has an active community presence on various social media platforms. If you’d like to learn more about the game, we encourage you to join the community and introduce yourself.

If you’d like to read more about the history of the Echo Combat Flamingo League, check out this article.

Be sure to visit the VR Fitness Summit website and also Virtual Athletics League website.

Echo Combat on the Quest

Echo Combat isn’t currently available on the Quest and RAD developers have given no indication that there will be a port any time in the near future. Since the Arena port open beta launched on May 5 and the playerbase has grown, the question of a Quest port has been brought up thousands of times. However, Quest players can enjoy Echo Combat NOW through the use of a Link cable that connects your gaming PC to the Quest headset.


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