FlowVR Meditation App Has Made its Way to Oculus Quest via Sideloading


Even though the Oculus Quest has a pretty extensive library of games and applications to download natively from the Oculus Store, not every program that you might be looking to utilize will be available through Facebook’s own platform. Fortunately, this is why sideloading apps like SideQuest exist. And as of now, if you’re looking for a new experience that will help you unwind at the end of a long day, the Flow mediation app can now be snagged on Quest.

Flow is a program that features six different mediation experiences, each of different skills. From Breathe, which notably teaches you how to control your breathing more easily, to Let Go, which shows you how to deal with stress in a better manner, Flow is a helpful platform that helps ensure you’re taking care of your mental health.

Not only does Flow help teach you a variety of ways to cope with many different aspects of your own health, but it also presents you with a variety of beautiful vistas to help appropriately set the mood. Each environment is said to be carefully put together with each meditation routine and features gorgeous locales from Iceland to help you get lost within. In a year where travel around the world has been made all the more complicated, Flow could be beneficial at the very least just to help you feel like you’re leaving the confines of your own home.

You can get a look at Flow and hear more from its creators in the video here:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkHzJfy3euE]

Unfortunately, and as mentioned before, Flow isn’t available to download natively via Oculus Quest’s own platform. Luckily though, the third-party website SideQuest has now added Flow to its list of programs that can be sideloaded onto your own headset.

If you don’t know what sideloading is, essentially, it means you can circumnavigate the standard storefronts that may be available on VR headsets to download applications that aren’t normally available. So while Flow isn’t normally on the Oculus Store (except in the case of Oculus Go and Gear VR), you can download it to your own headset via SideQuest. And even though it might sound a bit sketchy, sideloading isn’t illegal by any means and is a pretty conventional practice on other platforms such as Android devices. Not to mention, it’s extremely simple to utilize and takes no time at all to download the programs you might be interested in.

While you might have to jump through a few more hoops than normal to get Flow added to your own Quest, the benefits that it can offer are substantial. While we talk a lot about games and other programs that can keep you physically fit here at VRFI, we’re always on the lookout for applications that can ensure you’re taking care of your mental health as well. With how crazy 2020 has been, Flow seems like it could really help make a difference if used on a daily basis and would be worthy of any addition to an Oculus Quest.

If you’d like to download Flow to your own Oculus Quest, you can head to the program’s page right here on SideQuest. Conversely, if you’d like to just learn more about Flow in general, you can head over to their official website.