Heal Yourself With Touch Surgery VR

Touch surgery is poised to be a game-changer for surgeons as well as patients. This technology empowers surgeons to refine their technique before operating on actual patients. All sorts of positive health implications will result, from reduced surgery error rates to fewer follow-up surgeries and beyond.

touch surgery vr

It won’t be long until the mainstream media is raving about touch surgery in VR. This virtual training will help surgeons perform intricate surgical procedures without flaw. The technology has been spearheaded by a corporate partnership between Touch Surgery and DAQRI. Touch Surgery is revered as a trailblazer in the mobile surgical simulation field. DAQRI has established itself as a pioneer in augmented reality technology. The two companies are a match made in heaven.

Touch Surgery Details

Surgeons will soon use a combination of virtual reality and augmented reality to perfect their technique before slicing into flesh and blood patients. This breakthrough app truly replicates actual surgical procedures down to the last detail. The hope is that surgeons will perfect surgeries through multiple attempts on virtual patients before executing those procedures in a flawless manner on real-world patients. The CEO and co-founder of Touch Surgery, Jean Nehme, M.D., has stated the company’s mission is to bolster the educational platform surgeons use to master their craft. He has also stated the company would like to promote worldwide access to virtual reality training surgery simulators to make surgical procedures as safe as possible.

Touch Surgery’s seemingly futuristic technology will be delivered straight to wearable devices. Surgeons around the world will tap into these simulators during residency and all the way through their careers. Touch Surgery partnered with DAQRI to access the company’s Smart Glasses technology. Such wearables make it possible for surgeons to perfect their craft without resorting to antiquated textbooks and medical journals. Rather, they will don these wearables to practice surgeries and enjoy immediate feedback concerning their performance. This is exactly what surgeons need to refine their skills and learn cutting edge surgical techniques.

What Touch Surgery Means for Human Health 

Touch Surgery will benefit surgeons as well as patients across the world. Patients will receive highly precise surgeries performed by surgeons who have practiced several times over. They will certainly rest easier knowing their treating doctor has practiced the procedure with a detailed interactive training platform. Ask anyone who has endured a botched surgery or a somewhat ineffective surgery that has necessitated a second procedure and he will testify that his life would be much improved had the surgeon refined his technique through practice. Touch Surgery could even make it possible for a near-100 percent surgical procedure success rate.

Envision the following scenario. You are playing soccer with your son in the backyard. You plant your foot to load up for a kick and your knee gives out. The result is a complete tear of your medial collateral ligament (MCL). Yet you have no fear about the upcoming surgical operation as you recently read about how your local surgeons have been refining their technique with Touch Surgery’s virtual reality surgery simulator. A date for your surgery is set yet you don’t feel nervous because you trust your surgeon’s abilities thanks to his countless practice sessions on touch surgery. The day of your operation arrives, the surgeon performs the operation without flaw and your life soon returns to normalcy. This scenario will play out over and over again thanks to touch surgery’s dramatic reduction in surgeon errors.

Touch Surgery is Rapidly Expanding 

All-in-all, Touch Surgery has digitized more than 200 procedures. At the moment, these surgeries are available to more than 1.5 million surgeons and medical students. Over 25 training programs throughout the world are using the company’s Touch Surgery Virtual Residency Program (VRP) to enhance formal training. It won’t be long until your local hospital’s surgeons make use of this revolutionary technology.


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