Here’s Where You’re Likely to Find E3 2019’s Newest Active VR Games


How to find the good stuff at E3 2019.

Oh, how E3 can be such a magical time of year. With it arrives the joys of new games and toys, a bounty of promises (and false promises!) to keep minds captivated for the back half of the year and later years to come. Likewise, you may wonder where you can stay up to date with the latest active VR games getting unveiled at E3 2019.

First, understand that E3 proper is taking place between Tuesday, June 11th, and Thursday, June 13, at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Los Angeles, California. However, what makes navigating E3 difficult is that press conferences are happening before the official event dates. Some major companies (namely, Sony) won’t be present at the show at all.

VR games will undoubtedly have a higher presence at E3 this year than they have at previous E3 shows, especially following a heavily VR-centric GDC this past March. Not to mention the fact that we’re in the middle of a flurry of new headsets, from Oculus’ Rift S and Quest headsets to Valve’s upcoming Index. On the other hand, games (which could mean VR games, in separate instances) will not all get announced at once. Different publishers will likely come out with different projects on different days of the show, which makes it handy to stay on track with the scheduled events you’re interested in attending. To help you get a better bird’s eye view of the entire event, here’s GameSpot’s list of official press release dates and times.

Luckily, UploadVR is going to have their own E3 showcase for VR titles. Calling it the (appropriately named) ‘E3VR Showcase’, Upload will help developers feature over 30 titles – presumably both unannounced and existing.

The E3VR Showcase, hosted apart from the actual E3 itinerary, begins on June 10th at 8:45am PDT and runs until 10am PDT, so make sure to tune in on Upload’s live YouTube stream while it airs. If you’re interested in following the showcase on Twitter, you can also follow the official #E3VR hashtag. Note that while very few or any of these games will necessarily be high-intensity fitness games, many of them would fit into our ‘active’ gaming category. We’ll talk about the ones that stand out to us.

Are there any particular publishers you’re excited to hear from? Let us know in the comments.