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VR Fitness
Insider Podcast

for the creators who are building the future of the VR and AR sports and fitness industries that will revolutionize the way the world will play sports, workout and get fit.

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Welcome to the VR Fitness Insiders Podcast Who: for the creators who are building the future of the VR and AR sports and fitness industries that will revolutionize the way the world will play sports, workout and get fit.

With your hosts, Preston Lewis & Ryan DeLuca, the founders of Black Box VR, who are building the world’s first full-fitness VR Gym and bring decades of experience from creating some of the largest fitness technology companies in the world. They’re bringing together the best and the brightest minds to help you and your company succeed in the VR Fitness Revolution.

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With Your Hosts

Preston Lewis


Preston is the Co-Founder, President & Chief Design Officer at Black Box VR. Preston is a fitness fanatic (past State Champion & Division I Track & Field Athlete), UXUI junkie, product design ninja and product visionary. Preston has provided creative direction and product management to some of the largest brands in the world including Hewlett Packard, Bodybuilding.com, Fiverr, Hurley International and SAP, to name a few. Along the way, his passion for amazing products and solving difficult design problems has earned him numerous awards for projects ranging from traditional print campaigns and packaging design, to chart-topping mobile applications with complex information architectures and millions of users.

After growing many multi-million dollar brands, Preston decided to leap back into the world of entrepreneurship with a mission to combine his passions for technology, games, fitness (Preston was a state champion track and field athlete), and changing lives to create the future of fitness; with this vision, together with co-founder Ryan DeLuca, Black Box VR was born. When he's not creating new digital products and growing brands, he can be found traveling with his wife, enjoying her delicious paleo creations (she's a paleo author and blogger at amazingpaleo.com), playing the guitar, singing, working out in VR and dreaming up the next tech innovation.

Ryan DeLuca


Ryan DeLuca founded Bodybuilding.com in 1999 in his garage in Boise, Idaho at the age of 20. Under Ryan’s leadership, the company skyrocketed to nearly $500,000,000 in annual revenue before he stepped down as CEO in 2015. With almost zero startup capital and no outside investors, Ryan grew his company from nothing to become the world’s most visited fitness site and largest e-tailer of sports nutrition supplements. From the beginning, the company was focused on transforming the lives of its millions of customers and staying true to the core principles that Ryan passionately believed in.

With 800 team members spread throughout six states and four countries, Ryan was proudest of the fact that Bodybuilding.com was consistently named one of the best places to work. Ryan was temporarily retired for only six months before the startup bug bit him again and together with co-founder Preston Lewis, Black Box VR was born, merging their continued passions for technology and fitness and the way they can intersect to help people transform their lives. In his spare time, Ryan is a private, instrument rated pilot with over 1600 flight hours. You can usually find him flying his Pilatus PC-12 turboprop around the western USA on the weekends for fun, charity, and business. He’s an avid non-fiction reader, spends his mornings at the gym, and recently took up ballroom dancing, much to the amusement of his friends and family. Ryan lives in Eagle, Idaho and has three crazy kids named Raiden, Kyla, and Bradley.

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