VirZOOM and Fitbit: The Alliance That Makes VR Fitness Mainstream

Quite possibly the biggest new for VR fitness ever just dropped and it's going to make your next VR workout, that much more mainstream!


Admit it, when you think of Fitbit, you feel like you know all there is to know, right? You put it on, it tracks your movements and becomes an afterthought to your health and fitness regime. It’s a great tool, but it probably isn’t going to change your life if you’re already an avid gym goer. If this is what you’re thinking, then you’re about to get schooled with Fitbit’s latest alliance that brings them front and center to the world of VR!

Tim Rosa, Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer at Fitbit broke the news just yesterday:

“We embrace new partnerships with brands that share our goal of creating experiences that enable people to lead a healthier, more active lifestyle and we are always looking for fun, innovative ways to keep our community engaged and motivated on their health and fitness journey. Whether you enjoy racing through a virtual reality world as an F1 driver, or you are motivated to pedal your heart out with a group class in the comfort of your own home, the Works with Fitbit program makes it easy for users to enjoy, track and measure their health and fitness stats all in one spot.”

If you haven’t guessed yet, the partner that Fitbit found was the innovators over at VirZOOM! But this isn’t just an enhancement play. In fact, you can get credit for your VR gaming workout with VirZOOM on your Fitbit. The partnership lets you take all the good you expect from both fitness applications and double the results. Here’s what you can expect from the collaboration:

  • Setup on all VirZOOM vSports and VR bike play will be a breeze. The tech will automatically sync up to your Fitbit account and give you credit towards your fitness goals. This is huge because only now will your Fitbit finally be able to calculate the true impact of your efforts while working with VirZOOM. Better info means better results and we love this feature for exactly that reason!
  • More fitness data! That’s right, with this collaboration, each and every workout that you do with the VirZOOM will be logged as an exercise in the Fitbit app. And that’s not all! IN fact, you’ll have data on workout duration, distance pedaled and calories burned. This means you’ll be getting the best info on your efforts while doing VirZOOM and be able to plan your efforts in future a lot easier!
  • If you already wear a Fitbit device that tracks heart rate, you know how impressive the information is after each fitness pursuit. That’s why we think it’s such a big deal that if you wear this same devide during your VirZOOM session, your Fitbit heart rate data will also be captured in your exercise log in the Fitbit app.
  • By syncing your VirZOOM workouts with your Fitbit account, all of your data will be in one centralized location so you can view a more complete picture of your overall health and fitness. If nothing else, this is a huge selling point for us. Being able to have all your info in one spot and be able to plan your future sessions as a result is something we’ll always back.

What do you think? All in all, we love the collaboration for a lot of reasons but one thing we didn’t already talk about is that this new partnership brings VR closer to the fitness community. It also bring a great deal more credibility to the VR world when it comes to fitness. No longer can anyone claim that a workout in VR is any less than what it truly is now that every move will be audited by one of the most respected names in fitness tracking. It’s also becoming mainstream. If the gadget that your mom wears is now in association with VR, that means that her next workout is that much closer to one day happening in VR. VirZOOM and Fitbit working together? We love it!


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