VR League – Week 7 Results

    Welcome the new VR League! Brought to you by Oculus and ESL.

    Competition remains fierce in the VR League as players battle for points, money and potentially even the opportunity to attend and play at Oculus Connect 5 in September. This week’s competitions included Echo Arena, Sprint Vector and Onward.

    Echo Arena

    Echo Arena continues to be the most popular game in the VR League lineup. Thirteen teams participated in the European tournament and 16 teams participated in North America. All participating teams receive VRL points and the first six places in each region win prize money.

    There were two cups in each region. In the European league, Blast and Team Gravity took first place in their assigned cups. This was no surprise since they are currently in first and second place in the stage rankings, followed by AfterShock in third place.

    Here are all the results from Cup 7 in the Echo Arena European League:

    In the North American League, the three top ranked teams (ec.LiP.se, Eleven Point Five and MetaMercs) were in the same cup (#7-2). This put the other teams in that cup at a disadvantage while simultaneously allowing teams in Cup #7-1 to earn more points since they didn’t have to compete with the three best teams in North America.

    Here are the results from Cup 7 in the Echo Arena North American league:


    Sprint Vector

    Sprint Vector is a new title in the VR League this season and runs the risk of being cut for season 3 if participation doesn’t increase. In cup 7, there were only 14 racers – five in the European league and nine in the North American league.

    Stoaty continues to dominate the EU races and Kazznaz continues to dominate in NA. Stoaty won all his races, earning him a total of 80 points and Kazz earned 72.

    Here is where the competitors currently stand in the European league:

    These are the current standings in the North American league:

    Hopefully this week’s tournament will see more racers for Cup 8. Check out this article on VRespawn and consider joining the competition.


    Onward is another new title in the VR League this year. This military simulation game created exclusively for virtual reality has proven incredibly popular. There was a June invitational event presented by Oculus, Intel, ESL and Stack Up that offered a $10,000 prize pool and the game continues to gain momentum as a challenging first person shooter with a friendly community.

    Matches are generated on a weekly basis and results are updated in regional standings and worldwide standings. Here are the current worldwide standings for Onward:

    Currently there is no weekly prize money for Onward, but VR Cover and ProTubeVR sponsor the VR Master League so competitors can earn treats from these companies. In addition, ESL has organized some special events and the game will be featured at Oculus Connect 5 in September. This is definitely a VR League title that we’ll want to keep an eye on.