VR Ninja Dojo Lets Anyone Become a Ninja


If you’ve ever wanted to become a real-life ninja but weren’t satisfied with throwing on a costume, VR Ninja Dojo just might be the solution. The Japan-based experience combines virtual reality with training from a professional to truly transform visitors into deadly assassins.

Become a ninja master

Available in Tokyo, the VR Ninja Dojo begins with visitors dressing in a full ninja costume and beginning their training across multiple weapons and techniques. They’ll learn how to wield a sword, use mystical “ninjutsu” techniques, and throw shuriken. Despite being held in Japan, the event itself is in English.

The VR component of VR Ninja Dojo will be a little bit more fantastical in nature. You’ll practice your lightning-quick sword skills against orc-like monsters, and you’ll need to throw shuriken to eliminate them from afar. During the trailer, an enormous cyclops eventually drops down from the sky. This will surely put your newfound ninja skills to the test.

The company behind VR Ninja Dojo, Five for, is looking to open the experience at other facilities, as well. In order to run the VR Ninja Dojo, you only need an instructor, the MR-BOX VR equipment and software, costumes, interior fittings, and a venue. Using the MR-BOX technology, the audience can see the player in the virtual world. Typically, viewing another player’s experience would involve a first-person perspective.

Credit to: Five for

Each VR Ninja Dojo session will last between 75 and 90 minutes, and will cost 8,000 yen, or just over $70. You’ll receive your ninja training both in and out of VR, and you’ll get a scroll certificate for completing it. If you arrive with a Japanese citizen, you can both participate for the price of one. Six sessions will be available each day, and the VR Ninja Dojo opens on March 18. We’ll be waiting to hear if any of you are ready to take down a mythical monster of your own.