Friday, January 24, 2025
Home90-Day VR Fitness Challenge Winners Announced

90-Day VR Fitness Challenge Winners Announced

In April, YUR and VR Fitness Insider teamed up to promote health and wellness through the 90-Day VR Fitness Challenge, an event designed to encourage a focus on healthy lifestyle choices, establish a VR gaming workout routine, and engage with the community as they began their personal fitness journeys. During the 90 days, participants were asked to log in at least three times per week and their progress was tracked with YUR Fit.

At the end of the 90 day period challenge, participants were encouraged to send their stories to VR Fitness Insider so we could share some of the amazing transformations that took place. While they all don’t include massive amounts of weight loss, the fact is that VR fitness does have a positive impact on lives.

We’re pleased to announce the following winners for the event hosted by YUR and VR Fitness Insider.

  • Grand Prize Winer:  Richard Bernsee
  • Runner Up #1:  Taylor Romanchuk
  • Runner Up #2:  Kyle Rogers

The winners will receive an assortment of excellent VR accessories from event sponsors, including the following:

Grand Prize Winner

Runners Up

As always, we want positive health and wellness choices to become a permanent part of people’s lives. With YUR Fit, a VR fitness tracking tool that logs calories burned, games played, and time spent working out, users can view their progress. When they begin to see weight loss or bodies that are becoming more well-toned, it creates a positive feedback loop as they see the positive effects of time they’re spending in VR. It’s also exciting that compared to other workouts, many people see VR fitness as “fun” rather than “exercise,” but the benefits are comparable to traditional fitness alternatives.

“My uncle always told me, ‘Don’t make working out into a job,’” stated Richard Bernsee, the VR Fitness Challenge Grand Prize winner. “The other thing I heard is the best workout is one you’ll stick to. With VR fitness, it became less of a routine and the PERFECT escape while having fun and getting better.”

While Taylor Ronamchuk didn’t lose a large amount of weight, he says the challenge helped keep him extra active during the many weeks of self-quarantine. It also gave him something to look forward to and focus on each week. “I do think that without this challenge that I would have definitely been a lot less active during the last few months, so it definitely did have a very positive impact on my life.”

Before he heard of the VR Fitness Challenge, Kyle Rogers had already begun a personal journey to better himself both physically and mentally. He spent quite a bit of time going to the gym and fine tuning his nutrition, but then Covid-19 threw a wrench into his plans. When he heard about the VR Fitness Challenge, he was able to kick his training back into gear with VR games like BoxVR and a couple of adjustable dumbbells for home use.

We’ll share more in-depth stories about the experience of these participants over the next week so stay tuned to VR Fitness Insider for more about how the VR Fitness Challenge and the incorporation of VR fitness impacted their lives in positive ways.

Congratulations to the winners and we hope everyone who participated in the challenge had a positive experience with VR fitness. Although the VR Fitness Challenge has ended, please continue to share your stories about VR fitness with the #VRfitness hashtag on social media and be sure to tag VR Fitness Insider!


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