VR Can Salvage Your Broken New Year’s Resolutions…Really!

It's not too late! You can make your resolutions stick with VR!


January is nearly over. How are your New Year’s resolutions going? Are you still going strong? Or did you fail around January 2nd? If you had a more exciting way to go about them, you might be more motivated to pursue and achieve your goals in 2017. And there’s nothing more exciting than new technology. Take a look at three ways that VR technology can help you meet your New Year’s resolutions and better yourself in 2017.

Stay In Touch With Loved Ones

How many times have you had to constantly remind yourself to call a friend and catch up? How many times have you wished you could see your old gang, even though you all live in different places? If part of your new year’s resolution was to foster your relationships and spend more time with loved ones, VR technology is making it even easier, and a lot more fun than a conference call.

Using a social virtual reality app like vTime, users can meet in the same virtual world, chat with one another, play games, or just hang out. Sit around a campfire together, look out over a cliff, or relax by a serene waterfall. The encompassing aspect of VR makes you feel as though you’re all actually in the same room. It also blocks out exterior distractions, so everyone is more present while you’re hanging out in your VR world. You might not remember a phone call, but you’ll definitely remember the time you all spent on the VR space station.

Embrace New Experiences

Most people would like to say they’re open to new experiences, but how many of us actually seek them out? Thankfully, there are plenty of ways easy to add some spice to the same old same old in your daily routine, especially if you’re an avid gamer. VR is bringing new ways to engage in fantasy environments and recreated locations all over the world.

If you just want a change of scenery from where you’re usually playing VR, it might be able to offer the change you’re looking for. Online games offering live dealer options put players into the middle of the casino through live, streaming feeds where you interact with the actual game in real-time. While not fully immersive VR, you can think of it as baby steps to trying the things you already love, in a new way. Instead of feeling like you’re playing in your living room, you’ll feel as though a real dealer is handing you your cards in the pit of a Las Vegas casino. It’s as if you’re on vacation and enjoying your leisure time to the fullest without ever leaving your house.

Engage in a Healthier Lifestyle

You can’t lose weight and embrace a healthier lifestyle without sticking to an exercise plan. It can be hard to get excited about working out, but if you have a new toy to keep your interest, it might give you the extra motivation you need to start burning those calories.

A VR weight loss system is a newer idea and it seems to be just as effective as a traditional mode of exercise. Playing interactive and challenging games like Audioshield, Thrill of the Fight, Holopoint and Holoball, can raise users’ heart rates, burn calories, and help them lose weight. For some, facing off in the ring with an animated person is a lot more fun than fighting a lifeless punching bag.

It’s not too late to get back on the wagon. 2017 can still be your year. Stay motivated, make smart choices, and invest in some new VR tech. It could give you just the push you need to make your goals happen.