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VRFI and YUR Team Up for a 90 Day VR Fitness Challenge

UPDATE: April 16th, 2020.

Registration is closed! Please email us if you still want to participate in the challenge. You will not be eligible for the prize drawings but you will still get the motivational emails and access to all the VR Fitness Challenge content. contests@vrfitnessinsider.com

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Use hashtags #VRfitness and or #VRFitnessChallenge


VR Fitness Insider and YUR are teaming up to promote health and wellness through the VR Fitness Challenge, an event that will encourage participants to focus on healthy lifestyle changes, establish a VR gaming workout routine, and engage with a supportive community to help them along their personal fitness journeys.

During the 90-day VR Fitness Challenge, participants will log in at least three times per week to YUR Fit, a VR fitness tracking tool that logs calories burned, which games are played, and time spent working out. Competition begins April 2nd and ends June 30th.

Sign-ups accepted until April 15th at midnight.

“The VR Fitness Challenge is a great way to stay accountable to your fitness goals, all while having fun doing so,” states Shane Hoalst, editor in chief at VR Fitness Insider. “The main component of any successful fitness routine is consistency. This challenge will give you something to focus on and keep you coming back to log your VR workouts.”

Sign Up & Win Prizes

Prizes for the VR Fitness Challenge reflect the sponsors’ focus on health, wellness, and safety in VR gaming. There’s an assortment of products that will benefit the VR gamer from head to toe.

There will be two monthly winners (April and May) that will be chosen from a random drawing of qualified participants (anyone who has logged in to at least three 30-minute sessions per week with YUR Fit). At the end of June, a grand prize winner and runners up will be chosen based on criteria detailed below in “How to Participate.”

Prizes include:

Monthly Drawing

Runners Up

Grand Prize Winner

You can visit the following websites for more information about our sponsors and the products they offer:  Asterion Products, Proximat, VR Cover, Black Box VR, VirZoom.

Join The Challenge!

  1. Follow this link and register for the VR Fitness Challenge during the signup period (April 1st – 15th).
  2. Register for a free account on YUR Fit.
  3. Do at least three 30-minute sessions per week with the YUR fitness tracking tool during the 90-day event.
  4. At the end of June, submit a summary of your journey and how you benefited from the challenge experience along with a before and after photo to contests@vrfitnessinsider.com. (Don’t forget to take a before photo now! Share photos, stories, videos along your journey on social media with the hashtag #VRfitness.)

It’s that easy!

If you have any issues getting YUR setup or just want to join a great VR Fitness community, head over to the YUR Discord channel.

Throughout the VR Fitness Challenge, we’ll be sharing your images, rejoicing in your successes, and encouraging you along the way. Participants will transform their lives over the 90-day period and we want you to succeed so the challenge isn’t about earning the top score in a game or having the fastest time. It’s about your journey.

With that in mind, the runners up and grand prize winners will be determined by a panel of judges (to be announced) from the industry who emphasize the use of VR for health and wellness. In addition to the above requirements, participants will need to submit the following to be eligible for consideration by the judges panel for the runners up or grand prize winner.

Winners will be featured in articles on VR Fitness Insider and others who submit a story for the VR Fitness Challenge might be invited to share their experience as well.

Please email us VR workout photos throughout the challenge and we will highlight your accomplishments. contests@vrfitnessinsider.com

Social Media Links

Be sure to check out VR Fitness Insider and YUR on social media. Share photos, stories, and videos of your journey with the hashtag #VRfitness and or #VRFitnessChallenge.

VR Fitness Insider


Final Thoughts

Right now the world is a bit chaotic. Many of you have told us you’re having difficulty keeping up with regular workouts because your routine is disrupted, basic daily tasks are sometimes challenging, and there are distractions (news, children, pets) we’re not necessarily accustomed to 24 hours a day.

Exercise is important. Not just because it keeps your weight in check, reduces blood pressure, and has a score of other health benefits. Exercise is important because it benefits our emotional health and this is probably one of the most important reasons to do it right now.

Join us for the 90-day VR Fitness Challenge. Let us know which games you’re playing. Set some goals for yourself and then be ok if you don’t quite get there today. This gives you something to look forward to tomorrow! Meanwhile, just enjoy the journey with us for the next 90 days and beyond.

Register today!

Here are the full terms and conditions of the VR Fitness Challenge.

Sonya Haskins: Sonya Haskins is VR Esports Editor at VR Fitness Insider and encourages positive, inclusive environments in VR and beyond. She was the first female player to qualify for the VR League North American Regional Championships, as well as the first seated player in the league. Sonya has 5 grown children, has written 8 books and lives in Southeast TN.
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