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Stay up to date with the scientific breakthroughs in VR that impact fitness and health.

New Samsung/St. Vincent Trial Uses VR to Manage Pain

Samsung is partnering with St. Vincent Hospital in Syndey, Australia for an exciting new trial that will explore how VR can help manage pain. The trial will look at two groups: both the elderly...

Maximize The Kohler Effect in VR

We understand a lot about how VR stimulates a player's a sense of progression, either through self-contained levels or through the collection of artifacts. Virtual goodies can create a strong desire for players to...

VR Can Help Control Portions and Assist in Weightloss

We know a lot about how virtual reality can motivate us to move, but there’s growing evidence showing it’s an important tool in diet and weight loss. There are a few studies that highlight...

Virtual Reality: The Key to Mental Conditioning

We talk a lot about the physical benefits of working out in VR, but there is a strong mental game at work in nearly every major sport. How we interact with a virtual world...

Give Your Brain A Boost With 10 Minutes of VR Fitness

Our brains are a powerful tool that tells our bodies how to do everything from making breakfast in the morning to how to move our legs from doorstep to work. It's so dynamic and...

New Tech | Make a VR Avatar in 10 Minutes

A new system developed by Bielefeld University's Cluster of Excellence Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC) is going to elevate your workout with a novel idea: avatar creation. We’ve seen how avatars motivate us to reach...

Unlocking Memory Through Virtual Reality

Alzheimer’s is one of the hardest diseases to watch someone go through. A slow decline in mental faculties means patients gradually forget who they are and what was around them. As Nanthia Suthana put...

Destress and Get To Sleep With Kortex and VR

Virtual reality technology is a reliable health solution for people that are looking for relief from insomnia, stress, anxiety, and depression. The stress detox experience known as Kortex pairs their neurostimulation device with VR headsets...

New Science Shows the Immersive Power of Sound

One of the hallmarks of the HTC Vive Pro has the removable premium audio headset built into it. that headset provides an extremely immersive experience in games that are designed to take advantage of...

AR and VR: Part of a Critical Approach to Sports

The complexity of sports today demands critical thinking skills the industry didn’t rely on even a decade ago. The back office’s ability to manage talent by allocating players based on how they perform is...