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Read success stories, interviews and motivational features on improved health, fitness, weight loss through the use of VR.

Robert Long Loses 138 pounds playing Beat Saber and He’s Still Going

It's amazing to hear about stories like this. Reddit user named Bigrob7605 (Robert Long) claims to have lost an astonishing 138 pounds by changing his lifestyle and playing the popular VR game Beat Saber. We...

VR Gamers Are No Couch Potatoes

Virtual reality games are crushing stereotypes about ways we can use computer games to lose weight, improve our mental health, increase cardiovascular activity, gain muscle and achieve overall wellness. It's no secret that traditional video...

Tyler Loses 65 Pounds With BOX VR, Punching Towards Goal Weight!

Tyler, like most of us, worked at a job and had created a lifestyle that led to weight gain. He got an Oculus and has since had a 65-pound weight loss by playing BOX...

Bill Loses 90 Pounds With Beat Saber, BOXVR, Weights and Healthy Eating!

Bill Lindsay's weight climbed to almost 400 pounds but he stopped it before it got any higher with VR and fitness. We had a chat with Bill about the games he plays to keep...

Use VR To Relax, Sleep Deeper, for Better Health and Lower BMI

It may seem like common knowledge that adults are supposed to clock in a minimum of 7 hours of sleep a night to function and stay healthy. For some of us, sleep comes when...

Amber From SPARC Worldwide Talks How SPARC VR Changed Her Life

After having two children, working at a bakery, going through unemployment, and going back to school, Amber Hancock, was, like so many of us, looking for a solution to fitness and to add a...

Do You Have an Exercise Deficiency?

Many of us have an exercise deficiency and don’t get enough exercise and movement to counter our poor lifestyle habits. To make a living, we work a 40 plus hour work week, sit at a...
VR gamer

Why VR eSports Games are Great for Lone Wolves (Introverts/Ambiverts)

If you’re a competitive VR eSports player on a team, you already know that Virtual Reality is amazing for fitness and builds confidence. You live it, breathe it, practice with a team -- awesome....
Virtual Reality Sports Battle

Wanna Try a New Sport? Start With VR

Wanna try a new sport? For many of us, competing in a sport ended with high school or college. For others, sports is something you watch for hours on the TV or is something...
VR Fitness Insider

Music in VR Empowers the Brain and Body to Push Past Fatigue

Whether we’re listening to a rock song, a catchy pop or country tune, a rap or EDM banger, music is a driving force behind workouts. Runners make playlists, cycling studios, gyms, and even athletes...