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Mobile, Cordless and Phone-Free HTV Vive, Coming Soon?

HTC is set to launch an exciting new virtual reality device. The company's latest creation will allow users to enjoy virtual reality experiences in a mobile manner. It will no longer be necessary for...

The Struggle is Real: How VR Fitness Solves the Biggest Problem in Exercise Science

We all know that we should workout at least three times a week. Unfortunately, we don’t, no matter how hard researchers try to convince us. Studies show that less than 20% of Americans actually...

iPhone 7 Dual Cameras Could Mean AR Takes Over VR

There has been a lot of hype about the new iPhone 7 and the dual camera that it comes with, primarily because of special features such as environment mapping and gesture recognition capabilities. However,...

VR’s impact on Football and the Superbowl

Virtual Reality , or "VR" for short, is a technology that involves wearing a special headset, usually including earphones and a visor, to immerse the user in a digital world. Augmented Reality, often abbreviated...

5 Things Your VR PC Needs (For Fitness & More)

A lot of people are talking about VR these days, but how to properly setup your VR experience isn't really something too many of us are aware of. Sure, you know how to make the...

Guest Editorial: How The Rise of 3D Cameras Impacts Fitness

For decades humanity has experimented with binocular cameras, trying to reproduce the same sight we have in 3D. One of the first 3D cameras, Verascope f40, came out in 1938. But why hasn’t everybody...

10 Surprising Benefits of VR Fitness that You Almost Forgot About

The truth is that although nearly everyone knows they should workout and eat right, most people don't do it. They do their best for a few weeks or a month, and then give up and...

This is your Brain on VR Fitness. Any Questions?

I actually like going to the dentist. With modern technology and a quality, caring dental staff, the pain has nearly been eliminated. It’s not the most comfortable thing in the world, but the clean...

VR Can Salvage Your Broken New Year’s Resolutions…Really!

January is nearly over. How are your New Year's resolutions going? Are you still going strong? Or did you fail around January 2nd? If you had a more exciting way to go about them,...

5 Tips on How To Set Up A Great VR Space

So you've ordered your very own VR set, and in a few days, you'll be getting your feet wet in the exciting frontier of virtual reality. But hold your horses there, pilgrim. How ready...