
Get all the current and upcoming VR experiences in the context of fitness. We review all current content that relates to using VR tech for fitness outside of gaming.

The Future of Fitness Looks Like VR and Wearables

Think fitness has no room to evolve? Think again. ukactive is a not for-profit health body and Argos is a leading digital retailer. Earlier this year, they teamed up to commission research for National Fitness Day 2016. The study asked...

Is Vue VR 360 Treadmill the Future of Fitness?

When I first started writing about VR, I very much expected it to be like the VR device I got to use when I was a child. I was around five or six years...

What’s Next for Pokemon Go?

First, let me premise this with the fact that I was like many others who played the first few hours of Pokemon Go with childhood delight that quickly turned into adult reality by wasting...
ar zombies

Interview: Google Tango and AR Zombies

Microsoft's "Share Your Idea" competition drew app ideas from 5,000 applicants. The goal was to find an app they could create for the HoloLens headset. Zaid Abouqamar found the finalist entries lacking in scope, and set out...
wireless vr

HTC Vive 2.0 Rumored to Support Wireless VR

We've covered why we wanted wireless VR for our VR fitness workouts before. Imagine not tripping over a bundle of cords anymore. Imagine standalone headsets becoming more commonplace. And, imagine experiencing VR with your...

What Can Eye-Tracking Technology Do for VR Fitness?

As the technology surrounding virtual reality evolves, the more possibilities arise. The medium jumps forward, in leaps and bounds. Sometimes even faster than developers can keep up with. One of the developments always seems...

Biking Towards the Future of Cycling with Everysight

When you think about the traditional forms of fitness, you probably picture two athletes. One goes to the gym, straps on a lifting belt, and heads for the squat rack. The other one merely...

Is the VR Arcade Boom The First Step Toward VR Fitness Gyms?

The golden era of arcades is long gone. Anyone who passed through adolescence in the 1980s and 1990s will testify to the endless fun provided by arcade video games. These social gaming centers served...

Life Fitness and VirZOOM Announce Big Changes for Your Local Gym

Think the world of fitness isn't catching on to the VR phenomenon? Think again! Life Fitness just announced huge news that's going to make VR a big part of your daily routine in the...

Changing the Game with VR Sports Training

Virtual reality sports have arrived. It is now possible to partake in a boxing match, cycling competition, marathon and baseball game in a virtual environment. It won't be long until the masses are engaging...