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Stay up to date with the scientific breakthroughs in VR that impact fitness and health.

Vive’s Audio Add-On and how Music Impacts Exercise

The Vive virtual reality headset celebrated its one-year anniversary two months ago, but that doesn't mean HTC will stop coming out with improvements. The Vive Deluxe Audio Strap is a replacement for the out-of-the-box...

Could VR Replace Morphine as the Most Powerful Pain Reliever?

Mind over matter, as the saying goes, implies that human beings have the ability to control their physical experiences by using their thoughts in a certain manner. Though this might be far-fetched or difficult...

The Top 3 Healthcare Integrations Of VR and AR

Every avenue of the healthcare industry from medical education, to clinical support, to pain management will soon be positively impacted by a revolutionary tool that is not even tangible but rather virtual. Virtual Reality...

VR Can Lower Blood Pressure (You Read That Right)

When virtual reality first debuted, few people thought this technology had the potential to transform medical treatment and improve the human condition. Yet this is exactly how VR technology has evolved over the past...

VR Influences Decision Making To Make You Want to Work Out!

Everyone knows that we are shaped by the experiences we have. We are not the same people now we were a year ago or 10 years ago because of the things that have happened...

VR Exercise Integral for Fibromyalgia Rehabilitation

Many medical professionals would attest that exercise is one of the best medicines for those with chronic illnesses and that it should be a high priority for their patients. On the flip side, people...

VR is Officially Exercise: A Personal Trainer’s Take on the Tech and its Workout

Video games have been getting people’s heart rate up for years but no one ever considered them exercise, until now when researchers classified Virtual Reality games as exercise. An Australian study officially confirmed that...

Study: Beat Soda Addiction With VR

If you're one of the last few people out there that thinks that virtual reality is just about gaming, it's time to listen up. Countless studies have been touting the benefits of VR for...

Study: Care More For Others and Be A Better Person with VR

Immersive virtual environment technology (IVET) allows people to enter into a virtual world that includes vivid sensory information. They can actually feel as though they are embodying another person’s perceptual experiences. Research is underway...

5 Psychological Benefits of VR That Will Help You Stay Fit

If you’ve been clicking around our site at all, you’re well aware that much has been written about how VR is revolutionizing the world of fitness and the ways we improve our physical health....