
Get all the current and upcoming VR experiences in the context of fitness. We review all current content that relates to using VR tech for fitness outside of gaming.

5G and VR: How Mobile’s Next Big Thing Will Disrupt Sports

5G is the new standard of mobile broadband that is going to change live sports as we know it. Everything about how we interact with our phones will change with it, but live sports...

Zwift Pushes Cyclists The Extra Mile With Gamified Training

Cyclists looking to switch up their training routes are going to love hooking up their bicycle to Zwift. The Zwift bicycle system isn’t a true VR experience, but it does connect bikes with indoor...

Saccade Eye Tracking Moves VR Worlds Around Us

When we glance around a room without focusing on one thing in particular, our eyes move around and then blink in small eye jumps known as saccades. Road to VR has an interesting article...

Facts and Myths About VR Fitness Appeal

That moment when you realize you're out of shape is a difficult but life-changing one. Doing what it takes to get off the couch and setting a workout routine, in or out of the gym,...

KAT Walk Mini To Begin Kickstarter Soon, VR Locomotion To Follow

KAT VR or Hangzhou Virtual Technology Co. Ltd.’s VR compatible omnidirectional treadmills (ODT) have announced on Reddit that they will be starting another Kickstarter page to begin raising funds for their newest endeavor, the...

Ready Player One Your Life With VR Fitness

The anticipated movie, Ready Player One, is directed by Steven Spielberg and is based on the 2011 novel by Ernest Cline, where the storyline takes place inside a world that relies on the VR...

EON Reality Develops New VR Batting Sim

EON Reality, based in Irvine, California, makes VR apps that simulate real-world experiences. VR is exploding in this market, offering new ways to train a multitude of users on important and life-saving tasks. Those...

Training The Next Generation of Sports Officials in VR

Youth soccer has a small problem: referees are hard to come by. Aggressive parents, the stressors of travel leagues and volunteers that don’t have a full grasp of the rules all contribute to the...

Step Into Black Box VR At IHRSA 2018

Black Box VR’s team of fitness experts have announced that they will be demoing their innovative resistance-based experience at IHRSA 2018 in sunny San Diego, California on March 22nd to the 23rd. If you...

Ski and Snowboard Year Round With SkyTechSports Simulators

Have you ever wondered what kind of tech our top athletes have been training with? Or do you want a high tech solution to keep you conditioned in the offseason? SkyTechSport has ski and...