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Get the latest information on hardware in the industry with reviews in the context of fitness applications and usability. In addition, this section is used to discuss upcoming technologies that aren’t out yet but have direct impact on fitness VR.

An In Depth Look at the Oculus Connect 3

There is a ton of hype occurring with the new Oculus updates, but only a few of them are getting the most attention. While we've already published articles covering some of the new and exciting...

Google Eye Tracking: Fitness Secret Weapon?

Google was one of the very first companies to try to come out with an Augmented Reality headset that allowed you to run a small computer monitor through your Google Glasses. It was a...

5G: The Savior of Mobile VR Fitness?

Perhaps you think the title of this article is a bit... misleading. However, after you read through this you will find that the title is appropriate. As of right now, the biggest problems with...

Nintendo Might Be Dipping a Toe Into Mobile VR

Welcome to this evening's intellectual delight, filled with patents and some sneaky information gathering that's public to everyone who is willing to look for it. There's a lot of hype around Nintendo's new toy......

Sony’s Play in Tracking

We've already seen some great inventions come out this year like the Samsung Gear, Google Cardboard, and now we've started seeing different designs for VR controller start to roll out. The best part of...

Clean Up Your VR Workout With VR Sanitizer

When the typical person considers whether he will strap a virtual reality headset, a number of different thoughts pass through his mind. Most people consider whether the technology is truly revolutionary. Once they recall...

Is Kwikvr Really Everything We Need Now?

The answer is no but it's one of the best solutions we have right now. Kwikvr is another wireless dongle to be rolled out for the VR headsets with a guarantee on low latency...

Our Wish List For The Perfect VR Fitness HMD

This website reviews many games and experiences with the current Virtual Reality environment as it is. However, as you can see, many of the games and experiences haven't quite made that perfect score. This...

Infinadeck: Omnidirectional Treadmill Set to Boost Your Cardio!

One of the biggest issues that virtual reality as a platform will someday have to overcome is what I refer to as “the curse of player movement.” This curse is actually a complex array...

Katwalk vs. The Vue VR Treadmill: Which is Better for Your Workout?

Sometimes synergies just make so much sense that people are shocked when they don't workout. I think it's fair to say that many people expected that we'd all have some kind of VR treadmill...